Confirmation Classes
Christians are called to grow and mature in their faith and knowledge of God's Word. We are also called to confess our faith before one another. Confirmation is a ceremony in which those who wish to officially join us at the Lord's Supper make a public confession of their faith and confirm their agreement with the doctrines of Scripture as held by the Lutheran Church.
Christians are called to grow and mature in their faith and knowledge of God's Word. We are also called to confess our faith before one another. Confirmation is a ceremony in which those who wish to officially join us at the Lord's Supper make a public confession of their faith and confirm their agreement with the doctrines of Scripture as held by the Lutheran Church.
Typically, confirmation happens after a person has been through a period of instruction concerning God's Word, and especially what is taught in the Bible concerning the Lord's Supper.
Typically, confirmation happens after a person has been through a period of instruction concerning God's Word, and especially what is taught in the Bible concerning the Lord's Supper.
If you would like to learn more about the Christian faith, or have questions about confirmation, please reach out to the pastor.
If you would like to learn more about the Christian faith, or have questions about confirmation, please reach out to the pastor.
Those already going through instruction leading to confirmation can find information below.
Worship Notes
Worship Notes
As part of the process of preparing for the youth for confirmation, students are asked to regularly attend worship services. If anyone is unable to attend for whatever reason, you may watch services at our livestream HERE.
By filling out the worhsip notes below, students can receive full credit for attending for the Sunday in question.